Gratis armbandjes!
Ontvang een gratis armbandje t.w.v. €14,95 bij besteding van €75, en zelfs twee armbandjes t.w.v. €29,90 vanaf een orderwaarde van €100!
How special do you want it? This Mala (or Guru) beads have three holes, so you can make the most beautiful creations. The 3 hole beads are used to make malas. The sets consist of two beads: a round 3 hole bead and an elongated bead which is used as a hanger. The Guru beads are available in various gemstone types and different colors. We have them for instance in Jade, Aventurine, Rose quartz, onyx, carnelian and Indian Agate. Use your imagination, your life and make the most malas!