Sterling silver skullcap, heavy model, approx. 3.5 mm
  • 925/ 1e gehalte zilver
  • Ca. 3.5mm
  • Klik voor staffelkorting
€2,30Incl. tax €1,90Excl. tax
Sterling silver caot 3.5mm
  • 925/ 1e gehalte zilver
  • Klik voor staffelkorting
€2,15Incl. tax €1,78Excl. tax
10 pieces Griffin kalotje Vermeil
  • ca. 5mm
€16,20Incl. tax €13,39Excl. tax
14k/20 Gold filled skull cap approx. 3.5mm heavy model
  • Ca. 3.5mm
  • Klik voor staffelkorting
€3,15Incl. tax €2,60Excl. tax
1 piece of 14ct gold bowl
  • Ca. 6x3.5mm
€26,95Incl. tax €22,27Excl. tax
1 piece Rose gold filled skullcap
  • Ca 3.5mm
€1,25Incl. tax €1,03Excl. tax
Rosé gold plated kettle app. 3.5mm
  • Onedel
  • ca. 6x3.5mm
€0,53Incl. tax €0,44Excl. tax


A Skull Cap looks like a 'cut' ball of metal. You may a skullcap 'close' to bend or fold into a ball looks. There is also a hook or eyelet on.
You can use a skullcap in different ways.
Usually you use it to the end of a wire to be finished neatly. At the ends of a threaded or knotted jewelry you put a thick knot. This button put you in the skullcap that you then close bends or folds. The hook or eye you can attach a lock or a larger eye. So close your laced or buttoned jewel neatly at the closing.
Sometimes a skullcap has a hole in the part between the two halves of the ball. In that case, you can first stringing the wire skullcap and then you put a big knot in the thread. In this way, the skullcap extra firmly attached to the basting.
You can also use a skullcap as a kind inlakbal. You apply the knot than with paint. Anointed button you put the skullcap that you then close. You do this as much as the paint and / or skullcap is still hot so that the ball is well stocked with the button and the paint.
There are also aluminum calotte having a hole in the ball. one in both halves. Such skullcap can be used as a hanging eye between beads on a necklace or bracelet. Here the eye of the hook has the function of eye and hang the ball the function of bead. First, determine where you fit skullcap in your design. Then, thread or knot your jewelry with a skullcap. Do you work neatly ornament, possibly as described above. Now you hang the pendant eye of the hook of the skullcap beautiful gemstone or other striking pendant.

Skullcaps and inlakballen

Skullcaps and inlakballen are so small parts that you can hide a crimp bead. This way you can neatly finishing your jewelry. The skullcaps and inlakballen per set of 6 to 10 pieces available, with eyelets in various sizes.